
Showing posts from 2012

Me and my moody moments.

Feeling so irritated this morning. I was feeling fine when I woke up and was looking forward to work and then this! Didn’t know what happened, it just happened. That fast. That quick! And so I thought I could write down what my thoughts are even random ones so I can just get this out of my system.   Let me put things into perspective. When I got in the office I saw my workstation so messy (I think this has to do with what I am feeling right now). That’s one of my pet peeve: messy desks/ dirty workstation and the like. Who would want a dirty and messy desk, would you? I mean I for one cannot work when I see things that aren’t in order, when things aren’t supposed to be where it is – that freaks the hell out of me. My inner obsessive compulsive kicks in! Yes, they can place things on my desk but please be sure to fix it and not just throw it like you don’t mind! I don’t care if you are a messy freak but don’t include me to that.   Enough of my rants and now let’s just...

PRIDE. it Kills....

PRIDE. This is for me is a number one killer. But before I say my views or anything else for this matter let me explain to you why I am writing this now. I don’t pertain to myself or a particular person and I don’t want to start a nasty thread replies; so I hope anyone of you who will read this – please know that this is for my own personal effect and I don’t want to trample down anyone or anything for that matter. Like any other Blog out there its best to describe a subject, well that it what I am going to do next. What is PRIDE? According to Wikipedia (, it is an inwardly directed emotion that has two important meanings – Negative and Positive. Negative connotation pride refers to extravagant sense of a person’s status and/or accomplishments. Pride is the virtue of respecting oneself. It is a human need to think highly of oneself. Without it, one would have no reason to trust one's ability to live. One would have no reason to accept that on...

Hello There! (again)

It has been months since I last updated my blog. Been really busy with work and now that I can find time, I would like to begin again this thing which I like to do the most – writing and researching with anything I have in mind. For one I would like to start my food blog series, continue my travel blog, and just write anything I like. Please bear with me as I update my blog and provide you with as much that I could provide. Again, enjoy my favorite hobby and I hope I could maintain the pacing of writing regularly. Wish me luck! Yours Truly, Hersh